Saturday, December 27, 2014


" Bond itself expresses its cozy warm

Where every one's role is on its roam.

To elaborate its strength and security,

It is good to be one to feel its fraternity ".

  The other name for family is BONDING.If everyone of the family members wants to live in a cozy atmosphere,then definitely the  need of the hour is to feel their respective relations genuinely.Because

Feelings lead to humble recognitions;

Humble recognitions lead a fine and shine path;

Fine and shine paths lead to open our hearts;

Open hearts lead to recognize our current roles;

The current roles lead to our respective responsibilities;

Respective responsibilities bring people together;

People together lead to that spectacular caring and sharing;

Caring and sharing lead to bonds in all directions;

Bonds in all directions lead us to all sort of " S " and " S ";

It means " Strengths " and " Securities ".That means,

" All is well with all " to strengthen this " Cozy Bond ".

   Cozy bond is very expressive by our body language.Body language is absolutely vivid when it is
compared with its oral language.So one doesn't need to take any extra efforts to express one's respective love to the respective relations.Just feel the respective relations.Feel to the core.Then BONDS forms gradually,steadily and get strengthened automatically.As usual the first place to start to form this lovely bond is, no doubt our home;our " Sweet Home ".

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